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We Are Collider

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We Are Collider

How It Works

Please rank the following statements from
1 (Strongly Disagree) to 10 (Strongly Agree)

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We Are Collider

Questions 1 - 10

Our customers want our products because they are excellent 5
Our customers want our products because they are excellent 5
People often buy our products so their family can use them 5
People often buy our products so their family can use them 5
One purchase of our brand always leads to repeat purchase 5
One purchase of our brand always leads to repeat purchase 5
Consumers cannot wait to buy our new products 5
Consumers cannot wait to buy our new products 5
Our brand represents convenience 5
Our brand represents convenience 5
We have to improve products a lot in our category to make people trade up 5
We have to improve products a lot in our category to make people trade up 5
Interacting with our products is an uplifting experience 5
Interacting with our products is an uplifting experience 5
Our consumers are fiercely loyal and often buy lots of the product range 5
Our consumers are fiercely loyal and often buy lots of the product range 5
People like that our brand represents expensive quality 5
People like that our brand represents expensive quality 5
Many consumers remain loyal because of their relationship with our brands 5
Many consumers remain loyal because of their relationship with our brands 5
We Are Collider

Questions 11 - 20

Consumers value our products because of their superior quality compared to the competition 5
Consumers value our products because of their superior quality compared to the competition 5
Instore promotion drives a high percentage of trial 5
Instore promotion drives a high percentage of trial 5
Consumers love our products 5
Consumers love our products 5
Consumers rarely spend time researching our products 5
Consumers rarely spend time researching our products 5
consumers want to be seen using our brands 5
consumers want to be seen using our brands 5
Our brands are everyday products, but people often share tips with others on how to use them 5
Our brands are everyday products, but people often share tips with others on how to use them 5
our brand embodies luxury and exclusivity 5
our brand embodies luxury and exclusivity 5
Product innovation drives growth in our category 5
Product innovation drives growth in our category 5
Consumers always believe in our products 5
Consumers always believe in our products 5
Our products always give consumers a feel good factor and improve wellbeing 5
Our products always give consumers a feel good factor and improve wellbeing 5
We Are Collider

Questions 21 - 30

Consumers always talk to their family and friends about our how our products help them 5
Consumers always talk to their family and friends about our how our products help them 5
Consumers keep up to date with what is happening to our category and brand 5
Consumers keep up to date with what is happening to our category and brand 5
When asked, consumers always say that our product is best in category 5
When asked, consumers always say that our product is best in category 5
My brand and products give consumers more confidence in themselves 5
My brand and products give consumers more confidence in themselves 5
People always love to find out as much as they can about our brand 5
People always love to find out as much as they can about our brand 5
Consumers buy our brand because we stand for efficiency 5
Consumers buy our brand because we stand for efficiency 5
Our consumers associate with the brand 5
Our consumers associate with the brand 5
Consumers use our products to feel better about themselves 5
Consumers use our products to feel better about themselves 5
People share their great experiences with our brands 5
People share their great experiences with our brands 5
Our brand makes people look better to others 5
Our brand makes people look better to others 5
We Are Collider

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We Are Collider

Your Launch Catapult

We Are Collider